Quinoa with Artichokes, Asparagus and Kale

This looks like a great way to get quinoa into my diet!

Avocado - Pesto

I tried quinoa once a while ago and wasn’t that impressed with it – it was kind of dry and flavorless and just sort of turned into mush in your mouth. But after seeing numerous quinoa recipes online and reading about all the various health benefits (high in protein, plant derived calcium, iron, and fiber, with magnesium to regulate blood pressure and relax muscles and manganese and copper to work as antioxidants)  – I knew it deserved another chance. I figured even if I didn’t like it that much the second time around, consuming such a superfood would still be worth it. But let me tell you – I LOVED it. I must have completely over cooked it the first time because with this recipe it was delicious. I couldn’t stop  myself from getting seconds, and then thirds – it was that good. The combination of textures and flavors is…

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About sa.fifer

Lover of good, wholesome food and wine. Cooks for one and the cat. Likes to paint-- a frustrated botanical illustrator and amateur (photographer) and fledgling birdwatcher, beekeeper, and Kindle addict. Works as a freelance indexer.